The research design will be determined according to the examination subject, your specific knowledge needs and the intended usage context of the findings to be compiled. Starting from the decision on a certain methodological procedure, an individual approach to a solution for your request will be developed.
The selection and possibly combination of particular tools takes place on the basis of a widely spread repertoire of qualitative methods. You can count on extensive competence as regards indication, execution and analysis of various settings:
In the facility
- Individual Depth Interviews
- Creative Interviews
- Dyads / Triads / Mini Groups
- Group Discussions / ECGs
- Creative Workshops
- Round Table Meetings
- Expert Hearings
In the field
- In-home Visits
- Ethnographic Interviews
- Diary Surveys
- Participant Observation
- Accompanied Shop Interviews
- Mystery Shopping
Consumeers / customers + Marketing executives meet up for a direct exchange of views.